AJW Group Liquidation

The investors identified below have been appointed as to the AJW Cayman Group Liquidation Committee and AJW Onshore Group Liquidation Committee.

AJW Group Liquidation Committee Members
# Name Representing Company
AJW Cayman Group Committee
1 Geoff Varga Field Nominees Ltd. A/C 1365334 AJW Offshore II, Ltd
2 Denis Halard Nobilis Inc AJW Qualified Partners II, LLC
3 Ken Marshall KDTC acting as nominee for Theta Multistar Mid Volatility Fund AJW Offshore, Ltd
AJW Onshore Group Committee
4 Mitch
Humberview Ltd AJW Qualified Partners, LLC
5 Cheston Mizel LaM Financial Holdings, Ltd LLLC AJW Qualified Partners II, LLC
6 Daron D. Forbes Daron D. Forbes New Millennium Capital Partners III, LLC