AJW Group Investor Update - 24 April 2020


At a recent meeting, the liquidation committees of the AJW Funds expressed concern at the amount of time the JLs are incurring in dealing with questions and queries from individual investors, both by telephone and by email. As a result, the liquidation committees have requested that the JLs cease dealing with individual investor queries on a day to day basis and instead refer investors to the information contained in the below document "Investors - Common Queries"  and the update reports which are issued to all investors on a 6 monthly basis.

The JLs would appreciate the support of investors in dealing with queries in this manner as the JLs continue their efforts to minimise costs.

Investors - Common Queries

Should you have further queries which are not addressed above or in the JLs last report dated 26 March 2020 please contact Sarah Moxam at sarah.moxam@ky.pwc.com.